Friday, January 29, 2010

On our way into week 13...

Yeah... This is going to be all about the joys of pregnancy! Brace yourselves.

As the soon-to-be "Mother of two", I've been thinking a lot about our future as a family.
Leila will be going into preschool shortly after this baby is born (praise God!), but what to do with the n00b? I'll be out of work for a few months...then... off to day care? Most likely. Finding affordable, trustworthy daycare is hard! (AND expensive! Both factors of why Leila isn't currently in daycare...) We've got a dear friend who runs a daycare from her home, but she's been full up the last 6 months or so. Here's to hoping there will be an opening in the future!

Moving on.. I'm excited to find out whether this one is a boy or girl. They both have the equal amount of pros and cons, either way, as long as its healthy, we're cool. I've got a few names thought up, but I've only share the name we have for a boy. I think I'll keep the girl names on lockdown till we know for sure.

My two major food aversions (yogurt & cream cheese) seem to have come to an end (YAY!). But last night, we ordered Papa John's pizza, and I had to force myself to eat it. The crust was fine, it was everything BUT the crust that grossed me out. That's depressing. I don't think its all pizza, just last nights.

Keeping our fingers crossed!

Friday, January 22, 2010


It's pretty early for this, but I noticed something...
Why, when people ask for prayer for a loved one, do others feel its necessary to say "We're praying for so and so, and they are a Christian." Does that really need to be stated? If they weren't, couldn't you just add "We're also praying for salvation..."? Is that really necessary? Because overall, it doesn't matter if they're saved or not, we should pray for them anyway. The only reason that would be necessary is to direct how to pray.

Good Mornin' Maties :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ah, time.

I was watching some home movies my dad put online (No, I will not give you the link), and there was one in particular of a tap dance/ballet recital I did around age four. Good grief. Standing up there, tortured in an itchy, massive pink Tu Tu. The first few minutes I had that "I got this!" look, and then: I become self conscious. AT FOUR! And I start looking down, super off beat... not like I had much rhythm at four anyway. But still... Anyway... it got me thinking more and more about the kids of today, our kids, and the fact that they shouldn't have to deal with that. Whether it's "life" or not, I don't want my kids at age four to worry about the way they look, or talk, or dance. I want them to be firm in knowing that God made them special, and that's what matters over all. I've known kids who at age six start believing they're overweight and need to diet! HOW IS THIS O.K.??? We need to be doing better by our kids. They need to know how God sees them, and to be reminded every day that they are strong, intelligent, beautiful, children of God. Confidant kids with the power of the Almighty at their fingertips.

End rant.
This is in NO WAY a bash on the way my parents raised me... Just something I was thinking about.