Thursday, May 19, 2011

Try a little harder.

O.k., so I'm trying to get back into blogger. I feel like I've got too much crap floating around but whatever. Currently using: Facebook (duh), Twitter (@JGvaldeezy), Tumblr (, and now PINTEREST which I'm in love with. What's one more thing right?


Working full time, mom full time, Youth Leader full time, wife full time...
Cycle that never ends unless to be interrupted by a random "girls night out" or something.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter at all. I love my life. I'm just dying for a vacation.

Leila hit a bump called "terrific twos". Our re-name for it anyway.
Conference starts tonight, I'll be at the church all weekend.
Ashley and Zack move next week to Seattle. ♥ So crazy excited for them but my heart is still a little sad.

New layout.

I'm Out.