Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It has begun

So I started the "vlog". I've only done 2 episodes and they're both very short. You can see them at

I'm really bad about keeping up with anything but Facebook right now.

We went to a Honda dealer last night and test drove a car we love... We haggled, then walked away... now we're waiting. I'm hoping this is the car God wants us to have because I loved it! It's a 2010 Honda CRV with leather interior (which wasn't my first choice), sun/moon roof, heated seats, blah blah blah.

That's not what I liked about it.
It drives like a dream, I CAN drive it (the scion we own is manual which I can't do), there's soooo much more space in it, it's safe, and IT'S A HONDA! I'm a hardcore advocate for Honda. If you take care of it, the car will last you till 300 thousand miles where others you're lucky if it lives to 200.

Anyway... I've been tired. I need vitamins.
We're still overcoming our circumstances with God at the wheel. He's good like that.

Went to a SF Giants game with my cousins last week... LOVED IT! I love the Giants and my cousins so it was great.

Beach Camp with the youth kids is in 2 weeks. The girls will be split up which I'm not excited about, but it'll be fine. They're both in caring, more than capable hands.

Now I'm just blabbering.
End post.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Be the change.

So much for this "try harder" business huh?

I am thinking about starting a Vlog series on my journey into the world of animation. It's something that God has been kind of shoving in my face, so I'm thinking about documenting it. Ultimate goal of it all: work at Pixar(or Walt Disney Studios). This is going to take years and years of practice, school, etc, but as long as it's God breathed, it will be worth it in the long run.

Here's the thing:
It irritates the crap out of me when people talk about Disney being "demonic" and "anti-God". Let's get a few things straight:
Walt Disney Animation (classic Disney movies) have a tendency to drift more towards the less-pure side of things. Not Pixar. Pixar has a history of keeping their films as innocent & child like as possible, but while creating a happy medium for adults as well. Besides that, you can let kids watch classic Disney movies and still protect them from anything that might creep them out. Don't be a religious baby.

Be the freaking change.

My goal to work for Pixar or even Walt Disney Studios is to be effective for the kingdom of God. Not to hide my beliefs or to agree with everything they put out there. Being effective in a safe church setting is one thing, but it's not what we're called to do. I want to change lives, and I feel like this is something God has put in my heart from birth.

Wow... This is NOT where I expected this post to go. I didn't expect to put all this stuff out there, but now I guess I have to be accountable. Right? Right.

It's not for sure anyway. It's something we're praying about and I'm dipping my toes in the water, not jumping into the pool.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Try a little harder.

O.k., so I'm trying to get back into blogger. I feel like I've got too much crap floating around but whatever. Currently using: Facebook (duh), Twitter (@JGvaldeezy), Tumblr (, and now PINTEREST which I'm in love with. What's one more thing right?


Working full time, mom full time, Youth Leader full time, wife full time...
Cycle that never ends unless to be interrupted by a random "girls night out" or something.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter at all. I love my life. I'm just dying for a vacation.

Leila hit a bump called "terrific twos". Our re-name for it anyway.
Conference starts tonight, I'll be at the church all weekend.
Ashley and Zack move next week to Seattle. ♥ So crazy excited for them but my heart is still a little sad.

New layout.

I'm Out.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My heart is Yours.

I can't sleep.
I know it's not that early for most people, but give me a break. I have two kids.

This song is stuck in my head, the lyrics happen to contain the paraphrase of a Bible verse God told me to use for my next tattoo.

I'll set you as a seal upon my heart
as a seal upon my arm
for there is love that is as strong as death
jealousy demanding as the grave
and many waters cannot quench this love.

Come be the fire inside of me
come be the flame upon my heart
Come be the fire inside of me
until you and I are one.
(I skipped major parts in that... but I don't care.)

"For love is as strong as death
It's jealousy unyielding as the grave.
It burns like a blazing fire,
like a mighty flame.
Many waters cannot quench love;
Rivers cannot sweep it away.

This probably looks like the craziest blog post ever, but God won't leave me alone.
I know this is how God feels for us, and it's totally stirring my spirit right now.

I want more.
I want what HE has for me! For us! For my family.
I'm jealous. I want it all.

I'm really glad God is bringing revelation on this verse... It's probably good to fully comprehend something before it gets tattooed on your body.


Probably weirdest blog I've ever posted.

Monday, February 21, 2011

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

I've been super neglectful of my blog. I'm sorry.
I haven't even posted our Dland pics on Facebook, and that's borderline blasphemous.

Probably the most important thing (at least in my mind) that has happened lately:
My spiritual parents Eric and Margriet resigned from Pastoral staff so that Eric can finish his schooling for becoming an English teacher. It's been on his heart to be effective for God in the teaching realm. It's all good stuff and good reasons, it was just slightly unsettling. What made it more intense is that Margriet passed on the spiritual torch (so-to-speak) to myself and two of my friends.

It's a lot.
But it's so exciting.
If you don't know Margriet, she is super amazing prophetic awesome woman of God. I know that sounded funky but there it is.
Ever since she did that, I've felt like an adult.
You'd think having 2 kids and being married would make me feel that way, but no. This did it.

Also, I became licensed with The River on Friday night which means I'm officially a Pastor.
A pastor.
I want to make the most of this and be as affective as possible.

Now onto the random:
Going to Chico on Saturday to get my 2nd tattoo.
I was originally going to fix the one I have, but this is burning in me so I'm doing it first.
Its going to be a bare tree with waves at the roots, one red heart in the branches, with these words along with it:
"For there is love that is as strong as death,
jealousy demanding as the grave,
and many waters cannot quench this love."

I'm going to end this before I delete it all and start all over.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I'll do my Disneyland update later tonight. For now though...

For today
Outside my window- It is SUNNY!!! The nice weather must have followed us home from Southern California.

I am thinking- About how I would much rather be back in SoCal at Disneyland. Haha

I am thankful for- being abundantly blessed. God has been so good and faithful. Its indescribable.

I am remembering- The beginning of my relationship with D. So so long ago.

On my mind- Traveling stuff... Just the concept of moving.

I am noticing that- Girls have it way worse than guys. Just saying.

Pondering these words: "What if we just started loving the people God puts before us each day, can you imagine what would spill out of that in terms of opportunity, ministry and even growing fellowship? Jesus didn’t ask us to start ministries. He didn’t ask us to accomplish great things. He simply asked us to love others the same way we are loved by him and that will be enough for the whole world to know that we belong to him and that they can too."
-Rich Oliver

From the learning rooms- Sewing business.

From the kitchen- Debating what to make for dinner tonight. I want tacoooos!

I am wearing- Grey dress thingy, black leggings, sweet BRIGHT red toe socks, plaid vans, Fear the Beard hoodie.

I am creating- I'm about to create a couple of aprons. I've been inspired by a friend's mom. Not to sell, just for personal use and gifties.

I am going- to enjoy being with my girls tonight. I missed Hailey so much while we were gone!

I am reading- "Home"- Julie Andrews' Autobiography.

I am hoping- These aprons won't be insane!

I am hearing- Jesus Culture coming from D's laptop.

Around the house- It's slightly messy. Not too bad.

One of my favorite things- All the pictures from Disneyland. Will post I promise.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Wed: Youth, Thurs: Hopefully making the aprons, Fri: Rehearsal Dinner, then Church (work in between all of this)

Photo of the day:

When we were at Disneyland this past weekend, we stayed with some friends who also happen to be the parents of our friends/spiritual parents. Leila hung out with them Sunday night so we could have some grown up time. They both fell asleep.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"It's the 011!"

I'm going to write this post and actually publish it.
I guess that could count as a New Years Resolution.
Start something, and actually finish it.

What a concept!

I feel like I had this whole post planned out, and it just disappeared.

I guess I'll start with a few "resolutions":
1. Complete something. Anything.
2. Be a better mom to my girls. They deserve it.
3. Get back my pre-baby-bod. If that's possible. Yes I understand I may look stick thin-ish, or semi-in-shape fully clothed, but this lady is no where near ready for beach season. It's not even about that... but that's a completely different story. Anyway, stretchy/flabby/leftovers goodbye.
4. Be a better youth leader. I need to step it up.
5. Preach more.
6. Be a better wife.
7. Be...better.

I feel like this could go too serious too quickly, so I'm stopping my list.
Over all, I want to be the best "Julia" I can be.

Alright, alright.. Enough of this crap.

Disneyland in t-minus 11/10 days. BOOM.
Can't wait.
I've always been kind of, over zealous as far as packing for trips go... But I'm even more so now that I have kids.
I'm surprised their stuff isn't already packed.
(Or my own)
There's so much to prep and plan and prepare for as far as kids go.
Hailey will be with our friends, so I'd feel awful if I forgot something.
Leila will be with us, but it would be a nightmare if I forgot something her "boppy" (pacifier for those of you who don't speak Leila).
Alright alright alright... I'm getting tired and losing focus. Moving on to SWDB:

(P.S. I was just thinking I wish I needed to wear glasses... even just for reading. Sad.)

For today:
Outside my window- It's dark and windy it sounds like... Night time.

I am thinking- I should be sleeping... Why am I awake?

I am thankful for- Gary and Carol Leach (our friends/our friend's parents that we're staying with during Disneyland). Seriously a blessing.

I am remembering- When my mom used to make us french toast. Random.

On my mind- D. Just that I love him.

I am noticing that- I get a little crazy when I'm tired, and if I rest my eyes too long, I lose my train of thought. Also, that it irritates the crap out of me when people spell "loose" when they mean "lose".

Pondering these words: Not words so much, just pondering God's love.

From the learning rooms- Learning to plan and organize more efficiently.

From the kitchen- Nothing!

I am wearing- Black shorts (to show off my pasty legs), blue tank top, blue cardigan, no shoes.

I am creating- Luggage bags for our stroller so it doesn't get jacked or accidentally taken at Disneyland :)

I am going- to go to bed soon fo sho!

I am reading- Fail.

I am hoping- That God's heart is the same as mine for a particular situation. I'm not over it haha.

I am hearing- D tinkering with a computer in the dining room.

Around the house- Little bit messy, better than usual.

One of my favorite things- The way D looks at me. I don't care how dorky that sounds.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Work, Youth tomorrow night, dinner with friends on Thursday, service friday, nothing saturday, church sunday... Boom.

Photo of the day:
Me on my birthday, being ridiculous. (PS D got a Macbook Pro. I think I'm in love... I'm mainly in love with the 99$ Marc by Marc Jacobs bag I saw for it at the Apple store :) )